Parental education
Service coordination
Vision and nutrition specialists
They are committed to serving children under the age of 3 with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. A primary value is the family’s primary relationship with their child and they work in partnership with the family. They work to enhance the child’s development and support the family’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they interact with and raise their child.
Parental education
Service coordination
Vision and nutrition specialists
The Birth to 3 Program is Wisconsin’s early intervention program for infants and toddlers, age’s birth to 36 months, with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. A federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), provides a framework for a comprehensive program for coordinating developmental health and social services within the family’s community.
Parental education
Service coordination
Vision and nutrition specialists
Birth to 3 is an early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. It is available in every county. The program values the family’s primary relationship with their child and works in partnership with the family. It works to enhance the child’s development and support the family’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they interact with and raise their child.
No matter where someone lives in Wisconsin, DSAW can provide them resources and support on their journey. Whether it’s the scared young couple who has just received a diagnosis and fears the unknown; or the families who need support with potty training, learning how to ride a bike, and navigating the public school system; or those who need help transitioning from high-school to adulthood – DSAW is there.
The founding families of DSAW came together in 1990 to chart a new course for their children. For seven years, this group met in hospitals and libraries to discuss their hopes for their children. From these meetings, the DSAW we know today was born.
Over the course of the year, DSAW touches the lives of more than 5,500 people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) through the provision of services, education, resources and support. DSAW is able to make a difference in thousands of lives because of the incredible support of our community. We are a 30-year-old volunteer driven organization – we have more than 800 volunteers throughout the state!! It is their energy and passion that fuels our mission forward.
Parental education
Service coordination
Vision and nutrition specialists
Bridges for Families Birth to 3 Program is an early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families living within the Madison Metropolitan School District.