The Beyond Age 18 website is designed to help teams create meaningful, individualized specialeducation services for students with IEPs who stay in high school after their peers graduate. Forsome students with IEPs this time may be used to finish credits towards graduation with a regularhigh school diploma while others may build skills as they transition to life after high school. Thisguidance is provided to help teams reflect on what supports are needed and where, as well asconnecting with outside agencies and braiding services to improve post school outcomes forstudents with IEPs.
El Colectivo de Familias Latinas trabaja con familias de habla hispana para ofrecerles a las families consultas individualizadas, empoderamiento y acceso a proveedores de cuidados de relevo o de respiro que hablen español, a través de oportunidades de educación y capacitación.El personal de habla hispana se pondrá en contacto con las familias para encontrar ecursos y apoyo familiar en áreas que incluyen:servicios de cuidado de relevo o respiro con proveedores de cuidados que hablan español y capacitación en cuidados de relevo para cuidadores;comprensión de los servicios de Apoyo a Largo Plazo para Niños (CLTS por sus siglas en inglés);conexiones con otras familias de niños con discapacidad y oportunidades para compartir recursos;identificación de recursos para una amplia gama de necesidades, desde adaptaciones o modificaciones del hogar hasta asegurar el bienestar en materia alimenticia y de vivienda;comprensión de los sistemas escolares y los apoyos educativos para usarlos de manera efectiva.Póngase en contacto con nosotros en esta dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected] Colectivo de Familias Latinas works with Spanish-speaking families to provide individualized consultations, access to Spanish-speaking respite care providers, and family empowerment through education and training opportunities. The Colectivo is a joint initiative between LOV Inc., the Catholic Multicultural Center, and Dulce Respite Center.Spanish-speaking staff will connect with families to identify resources and family support in areas including:Respite care services with Spanish-speaking care providers and respite care training for caregiversUnderstanding Children’s Long-Term SupportConnecting with other families that include a child with a disability and sharing resourcesIdentifying resources for a wide range of needs, from home modifications to food and housing securityNavigating school and educational supports
Common Threads offers individualized and group psychotherapy and occupational therapy services in their clinic and innovative educational opportunities in their school program. All of the programming at Common Threads are geared toward individuals with autism, behavioral disorders, sensory differences, and mental health needs. The Common Threads’ team prides itself on creating a daily environment of acceptance and growth where students and clients flourish.
We work to discover how and why development differs for children with Down syndrome, and how we can best help them to achieve their potential.
The program has continued to grow and offers individualized wrap-around services to support students in academics, student housing, social experiences, and practicums/internships.