Information and Referral
Available to any individual in the community who has a disability related question, concern or need
ACCESS works to assist individuals to communicate their needs to obtain services and support.
Peer Support
Staff and trained volunteers with disabilities assist consumers with reaching independent living goals.
Skills Training
Individualized and group training in many skill areas
Transition Services
Specialized help in areas of community and post secondary transition
Youth Services
Access provides a wide variety of classes and services specifically for youth 18 and under
Assistive Technology
Over 1,000 devices can be tried, and many can by borrowed, free of charge for up to three weeks
Assessibility Assessment
Home safety, workplace accessibility, and ADA compliance assessments to improve physical and programmatic accessibility.
Access to Independence, Inc. is a non-profit, consumer controlled Independent Living Center (ILC) that provides advocacy, resources, and services to people of all ages with all types of disabilities in Dane, Columbia, Green, and Dodge counties in south-central Wisconsin. ILC's are a nationwide network of consumer controlled disability resource centers, where the majority of board and staff are people with disabilities. Through our Independent Living (IL) Philosophy, we help people develop the tools and skills to make informed choice for themselves and work to increase the choices available to people with disabilities. We are a part of a network of centers across the nation and one of the eight centers in Wisconsin. All centers share the Independent Living Philosophy and focus on providing specific services that help people with disabilities live as independently as they choose.
To provide quality care/service to residents by staff members who recognize the value of the aged and disabled.
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
This free, online, anonymous tool is here to help you navigate resources for a child you care about who has mental or behavioral health concerns.
For 4th-8th grade we offer after-school programming during the school year and a day camp during the summer Monday-Friday. For 9-12th grade offer Saturday day camp during the school year, and 2-four hour evening programs during the summer. For 18-30 year old young adults we offer community-based day service programming Monday-Friday during the school year, and Saturday programming during the summer.