AngelSense is the preferred safety solution used by hundreds of agencies & schools across the nation to keep special needs people safe and promote a better quality of life. Protect special children & adults so they can thrive, find them quickly if they wander and always know they are safe, no matter where they are.
The Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin provides training to medical staff on ways to reduce barriers and create more accessible environments so that individuals with Autism can receive routine vaccinations in a safe and calming environment. Accessible vaccine kits and visual supports are also available to support individuals.
There are a broad range of services offered through the CLTS Waiver Program to meet the needs and goals of your child and your family. Each plan is individualized and a CLTS case manager will work with children and their families to identify needs and goals that will help a child be an active participant in their home and community.
Those diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, and who are at risk of wandering/bolting from a safe environment, qualify to receive a Big Red Safety Box while supplies allow.NAA’s Big Red Safety Box includes the following resources:1) Our Be REDy Booklet containing the following educational materials and tools: A caregiver checklist A Family Wandering Emergency Plan A first-responder profile form A wandering-prevention brochure A sample IEP Letter A Student Profile FormEmotion Identification CardsWandering Quick Tips2) Two (2) GE Wireless Door/Window Alarms with batteries3) One (1) RoadID Bracelet or Shoe ID tag*4) Four (4) Adhesive Stop Sign Visual Prompts for doors and windows5) One (1) Safety Alert Window Cling for car or home windows6) One (1) Child ID Kit from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children*You will receive instructions in your Big Red Safety Box to submit a custom personalization order for your RoadID bracelet or shoe ID tase at Your ID will be quickly engraved and mailed to you at no charge.Regardless of any tools caregivers may have in place, if a loved one’s medical condition interferes with their ability to recognize danger or stay safe, it is critical that caregivers maintain close supervision and security in all settings. For more information and ways to prevent wandering-related incidents, please visit
Wisconsin's Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program (including the Katie Beckett Program and the Children's Community Options Program) makes Medicaid funding available to support children with substantial limitations due to developmental, physical, or severe emotional disabilities who are living at home or in the community. Funding can be used to support a range of services based on an assessment of the needs of the child and his or her family.
El Programa de Exención de Apoyo a Largo Plazo para Niños (CLTS) de Wisconsin (que incluye el Programa Katie Beckett y el Programa de Opciones Comunitarias para Niños) hace que los fondos de Medicaid estén disponibles para apoyar a los niños con limitaciones sustanciales debido a discapacidades del desarrollo, físicas o emocionales graves que viven en el hogar o en la comunidad. La financiación se puede utilizar para apoyar una variedad de servicios basados en una evaluación de las necesidades del niño y su familia.