The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. We're committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness. Call 988 to connect to the phone lifeline. Lifeline ChatLifeline Chat is a service of the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, connecting individuals with counselors for emotional support and other services via web chat. Text 988 or go to to connect to the chat lifeline. Lifeline Chat is English only at this time. Ayuda En EspañolLifeline ofrece 24/7, servicios gratuitos en español, y no es necesario hablar inglés si usted necesita ayuda. Prestamos servicios en inglés (988) y en español (1-888-628-9454).
Information and Referral
Available to any individual in the community who has a disability related question, concern or need
ACCESS works to assist individuals to communicate their needs to obtain services and support.
Peer Support
Staff and trained volunteers with disabilities assist consumers with reaching independent living goals.
Skills Training
Individualized and group training in many skill areas
Transition Services
Specialized help in areas of community and post secondary transition
Youth Services
Access provides a wide variety of classes and services specifically for youth 18 and under
Assistive Technology
Over 1,000 devices can be tried, and many can by borrowed, free of charge for up to three weeks
Assessibility Assessment
Home safety, workplace accessibility, and ADA compliance assessments to improve physical and programmatic accessibility.
Access to Independence, Inc. is a non-profit, consumer controlled Independent Living Center (ILC) that provides advocacy, resources, and services to people of all ages with all types of disabilities in Dane, Columbia, Green, and Dodge counties in south-central Wisconsin. ILC's are a nationwide network of consumer controlled disability resource centers, where the majority of board and staff are people with disabilities. Through our Independent Living (IL) Philosophy, we help people develop the tools and skills to make informed choice for themselves and work to increase the choices available to people with disabilities. We are a part of a network of centers across the nation and one of the eight centers in Wisconsin. All centers share the Independent Living Philosophy and focus on providing specific services that help people with disabilities live as independently as they choose.
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Dane County provides information about resources and support on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. The ADRC is a one-stop shop for older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers and families. ADRC staff are unbiased and knowledgeable professionals who listen to your concerns, help clarify your options and direct you to appropriate resources. The ADRC is also the access point for information about long-term care options and applying for public benefits. Services provided by the ADRC are free and available to all Dane County residents regardless of income or assets.
“Helping people navigate the mental health and wellness aspects of their life in a way that honors culture, family, community, and faith.”Anesis Therapy (ACMFT) is a state certified DHS clinic that provides mental health, substance abuse and case management services. Anesis was established to bring more cultural competent mental health care in the Dane County area in 2016 by Myra McNair. ACMFT staff is comprised of racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse staff that bring insight into the dimensions of identity that we seek to address at our clinic. Our diverse staff bring rich life and clinical experience, insight, and community knowledge that deeply supports structural inclusivity within all aspects of our reach.Our philosophy is rooted in systems therapy meaning that we approach problems that people have in their social, cultural and political storylines. We believe in helping our client's identify their values and skills so they can effectively confront whatever problems they face. We serve all clients regardless of inability to pay. Discounts for primary services are offered based on family size and income. For more information, please ask about our scaling fee.
Planning ahead can help guide a person with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) to lead a good life as independently as possible. A plan is important throughout all stages of life and especially in the future after the parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support. To better serve families and individuals with I/DD in future planning, “Build Your Plan”® is a tool that enables families to create accounts and begin to build their plans within the Center.