EmployAbility: Employment and Housing Solutions seeks to create partnerships with businesses to create long-lasting and successful employment by focusing on the abilities and strengths of the people we work with. We work to empower people to gain meaningful employment by providing one on one job search services tailored to meet their needs, expectations, and goals.EmployAbility provides housing support services to people who are working with Comprehensive Community Services (CCS). Our Housing Team is dedicated and committed to helping people navigate the housing system and we all believe that housing is a human right. We can help you find suitable rentals, address concerns with property managers, identify resources, work toward developing independent living skills, and much more.
Feist Vocational Counseling and Placement, LLC is a team of professionals who provide an array of Vocational Services to job seekers and individuals with disabilities. We offer a dependable, adaptable and hands on approach to supporting our clients in their search for purpose through employment. At Feist, our goal is to provide evidence-based services that empower clients to obtain their employment goals. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to work and the proper accommodations and support to help them be successful.
MTILP, Inc. provides long-term support of daily living skills training, vocational training, and job placement for over 100 adults with disabilities in Dane County.
Our Supported Employment Program assists people with disabilities to acquire and maintain employment.
Our Day Program Services provides clients in the Madison area with individualized programming and community integration that enhances their quality of life.
MTILP was initially founded in 1987 by Joan Fischer Wealti to provide Occupational Therapy Services through a private contract with the Dane County Department of Human Services. In 1995, Joan’s late husband, Harry Fischer, joined her when the opportunity arose to provide employment services for adults with developmental disabilities. At that time, there were only three employees. Shortly after Harry joined MTILP, the agency received a contract that focused on community-based support for individuals with higher physical needs. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, the contract ended. Since then, MTILP continues to be committed to both the Day Service and Supported Employment areas; providing services to almost 100 clients.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by providing the support and training necessary for each person to work and participate in the community, and live as independently as possible.
Our Day Program provides disabled individuals with opportunities to maximize independence while concentrating on their individualized needs. Programming areas include daily living skills, music (auditory stimulation), sensory stimulation, recreation & exercise, computer/tablet activities, and community outings. This program also provides for individuals who are no longer able to work or who would like to attend programming during non-work hours. Our employees also provide support to clients who have employment throughout the Dane County area. Our support helps clients maintain employment, be successful in their careers, as well as assist in obtaining additional employment opportunities.
Madison, WI
Yahara House's (YH) mission is to transform the lives of people living with mental illness by replacing despair, stigma, and isolation with hope, dignity, and community. YH is a community of members who are working together to achieve some common goals, including: 1) completing educational and employment goals. 2) developing self-esteem, confidence, and coping strategies. 3) finding and securing resources - such as affordable housing, primary care services; and 4) living a life of respect and independence within the members’ larger community. YH is an evidence-based, community mental health program that focuses on recovery through social connection, meaningful activity, and reintroduction to community employment. Open and accessible to program participants (members) 40 hours a week PLUS all holidays, evening, and weekend social activities. YH offers a place for adults with mental illness to belong in a stigma-free environment. The program guarantees each person a right to a place to come, a right to meaningful work, a right to meaningful relationships, and a right to a place to return.Much more than simply a program or a social service, Yahara House offers: Meaningful Work and Community- Members and staff work together as colleagues to run Yahara House. Yahara House has three departments (Biz, Membership & Communications, and Café) and various committees to work in anytime between 8:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. Members and staff work together as colleagues to help deal with day-to-day issues, like filling out forms, cooking, making videos, creating greeting cards, operating the reception desk, and paying bills. Collaborative task work gives members a sense of accomplishment, purpose, confidence, and social skills increase as they feel a sense of belonging and develop supportive relationships.Employment Program Continuum- As a right of membership Yahara House provides members with opportunities to engage in or return to paid employment in integrated work settings through Transitional Employment, Supported Employment, and Independent Employment programs. Employment is a foundational part of the Clubhouse approach because it is an expressed goal of many members at every Clubhouse. Employment is often a critical component for members to experience themselves as being included in the larger community while also reducing isolation and poverty.